Rest In Peace, my beautiful cousin. Justice System? INjustice Sytem*

ImageOur court system humors me.  Today I attended my cousin, Nyosha White’s, court hearing.  Nyosha is no longer here with us.  She was murdered on April 29th, 2012.  All we have are our memories, our pictures, and the few videos we have with her in it.  I’m sure we’d have even more videos, pictures, and memories if we knew she’d be taken from us in a short matter of time.  That’s the tricky thing about life, you never know when it’s your turn to go.  Nyosha was taken from us at her young age of 19 years old.  The even sadder thing about her short lived life, was the way she left this Earth.  Nyosha was murdered by Donzell Curry, her “friends,” boyfriend.  Not only was she murdered, but lets break this down.  She was shot in the base of her skull with a rifle.  Not only was she shot in the head, she was stripped of her clothing and thrown onto the side of road like a pile of garbage.  Donzell, the monster, was 18 at the time, 20 years old now, and claims that it was an “accident.”  That his girlfriend and Nyosha had picked him up from a party to go to another party.  After being picked up, his rifle “accidentally,” went off from hitting a bump on the road, and it was an “accident.”  If it was an accident why did he strip her from her clothing and push her out onto the road, as he covered her body with a little bit of dirt.  IF it was an “accident,” why didn’t he take her to the hospital like any human being with common sense would do?  The reason why is because he is a monster.  After the court hearing being pushed back further and further, today was the day we got a taste of what his sentence might truly be.  Maximum years that Donzell Curry will receive is the amount of 6 years, if you take in account the 628 days he has already served in jailing at the St. Clair County Jailhouse.  6 years.  6 years doesn’t seem like too long of a time for something so monstrous and scary.  In 6 years there will be a monster walking the streets, capable of killing your cousin, daughter, son, sister, friend, wife, husband, or maybe even you.  Let that sink in, 6 short years.  Even though our court system lacks in truly thinking about what they are doing, and even though our court system lacks true knowing of what happened that day, God knows what happened.  The Lord will have his judgement day regardless of what the judge sentences him to.  Although God is the ultimate judge, that doesn’t bring my cousin back, nor does it protect anybody in this world.  

The court hearing right before Nyosha’s was a hearing for a man who was arrested for 2 small rocks of crack/cocaine.  He is looking at getting 10-14 years in a prison over selling crack.  If you are stupid enough to want to buy crack off of him, you know you are killing yourself.  But, if you were my cousin, who didn’t ask to be shot, and you were shot by someone who will probably only get 6 years, that shows what’s truly wrong with our court system.  Lets let the murderers out on the street, and lets let the people who are selling substances to those who want to buy it in the jail and prison system.  Because drugs are worse than killing people, right?  Wrong.  

What are you telling society when you tell them that drugs are worse than murders?  What message are you sending to crazy people that even though they kill someone, they will only get 6 short years in prison?  You aren’t sending a positive message.  You are telling people that it’s okay to kill, it’s okay to be a hazard to society.  In the end, God is the judge, as my Aunt Christi put in her statement “You reap what you sow, and when harvest season comes you’ll remember what you sowed.”  

R.I.P. to my beautiful first and eldest cousin Nyosha Lache White.  ♥